ScotBilt Homes was built from the ground up in 2004 by Sam, Sherry and Greg Scott. The plant is a 150,000 square foot State of the Art Manufacturing Facility. It’s Management Team has over 472 years combined experience! The plant’s carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and roofers have been in the business since the early 1980’s. Our Engineers have designed innovative construction techniques that ensure our homes are built square and straight.
The mission of ScotBilt Homes is to build a high-quality, low-maintenance manufactured home. Our homes include as standard many features typically found only in “stick-built” homes, including eight (8) foot sidewalls, high pitched roofs, plywood floors and upgraded insulation.
A home that is ScotBilt is Scotbacked! We are confident in the workmanship of our homes. As in the past, the Scott’s attention and commitment to service is unsurpassed in the industry. ScotBilt’s commitment to quality and service will enhance every ScotBilt dealer’s reputation, respectability and success.
With a perfect blend of experience and youthful creativity, ScotBilt is committed to staying ahead of the industry with new and innovative features that will enhance the quality, value, comfort, and safety of our homes. ScotBilt’s homes are a perfect product for those high-quality dealers interested in improving their business through greater consumer satisfaction.
ScotBilt has many floor plans available with all the options to satisfy the mass discriminating buyers.
ScotBilt has also been awarded two government contracts with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) over the past couple of years. We have built and shipped homes as far as North Dakota and Cumberland, Maryland to assist in disaster relief efforts
Floor Plans
Freedom Collection
ScotBilt Specials
Grand Slam